Fill in the gaps. Write only numbers: 10      23,000   500,000        3,5      

1. Dear tourists, welcome onboard our bus! Today you will discover one of the most famous cities in the world – New York. We’re starting off from the place which is well known all over the world for its flashing billboards and advertisements. It is one of the world’s busiest pedestrian areas and a centre of the world’s entertainment industry. More than people, both local residents and tourists, pass through this place every day. It is especially famous for its New Year’s Eve ball drop, which dates back to .

2. This centre is one of the largest business centres in the world. It includes buildings and the highest one is feet, which is about metres. The centre is named after the first American billionaire. The first fourteen buildings were built in the s and five more buildings were added later. Here is one interesting fact. There are more than windows in these office blocks. Just imagine how many cleaners are needed to keep the building tidy. You can get off the bus here to get a closer look at the building and the famous skating rink in front of it.

3. This building is one of the world’s most famous skyscrapers. Sometimes it is called the eighth wonder of the modern world. From the observation deck located on the nd floor, you can see for miles on a clear day. There are elevators and steps from the bottom to the top. Every year this building is visited by million tourists from all over the world.

4. If you look over there, in the distance, you can see a famous monument, located on an island in New York Harbour. It is metres in height. This statue was designed by a French sculptor and was built by Gustav Eiffel. It was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States. This monument has become a symbol of freedom and of the United States. It is definitely worth visiting.

5. If you are interested in art, you can’t miss this place. It is the largest art museum in the United States and is among the most visited art museums in the world. In it was visited by nearly million people. This museum was founded in . Its collection contains over million works, which are divided among seventeen departments.

6. Now we are driving past a place where visitors can find about species of animals in different habitats, including a tropical rain forest with rare birds and icy Antarctica with penguins and other chilly creatures. Today this place is visited by nearly million visitors per year. But if you think you are a real animal lover, we recommend you to visit the Bronx Zoo, which is the largest city Zoo in the United States.

7. Let’s move on to the next sight. It’s a place which is shown in many movies and television programmes. It covers a large area of acres, which is square kilometres. Just imagine! It is larger than Monaco and Vatican City. Here you can find several lakes, a castle, a museum and a Zoo. million people come here every year, which makes it the most visited city park in the United States.